Thursday, June 01, 2006
So, would everyone like to know the lengths of my stupidity and clumbsyness??!! Huh?? HUh??? Oh you would. ok. Here goes...

This morning I woke up late. (This actually means my husband woke up late and scared the pee out of me by screaming I'm late I'm late at the top of his lungs. I was not ACTUALLY late.) So I was in a little bit of a hurry and half asleep while I was brushing my teeth. I got the toothpaste on the brush, I even managed to find the right tooth brush. I got the brush in my mouth and I was doing really well, brushy brushy brushy.

And then... the unthinkable happened.....

You ready for this? I don't think you are.

The toothbrush totally popped out of my mouth and directly into my eye.

Yes, my eye. I don't know how or why or what even happened.

My inital thought was GOD that HURT!

Then I realized that not only did my eye actually hurt from the force I had jabbed the brush into my eye but that it was also burning. BURNING. My toothpaste is evidentally very very 'make your eye burn' toothpaste and should totally have one of those warning labels on the back. You know the ones... "In case of ingestion dial" or "In case of jabbing toothpaste in your eye call" etc.

So, just to set the scene. I have a very late Husband running around the house in a powerful hurry. Me, with a mouth and eye full of toothpaste. I'm screaming bloody murder because did I mention how bad it hurt and was burning, and I'm throwing water in my eye while foaming at the mouth because I haven't had a chance to spit yet.

I was so concerned with the permanent damage I had done to my eye because of the extreme burning that I completely forgot about the mouth full of extra minty toothpaste I was holding in. So now, now my tongue has no tastebuds because the toothpaste I held in for so long while I was cleaning the toothpaste out of my eye...totally ate my tastebuds off my tounge. It feels like a bad soup burn. (I know you know what that is!)

The recap: I have an eye that is STILL burning 3 hours later, while also feeling bruised AND a burnt toungue.

:) NICE!!
